What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging?

Written By
I. Mitic
September 18,2023

When the financial waters get choppy, a lot of investors look for ways to keep their balance between risk and potential growth. One method that's caught many an eye is dollar-cost averaging (DCA).

In plain terms, it's like setting a routine where you consistently drop a fixed sum of money into assets, just as you'd set a regular alarm.

How Dollar-Cost Averaging Works

Dollar-cost averaging is a systematic investment approach where an investor allocates a specific amount of money to buy a particular asset at regular time intervals. This approach seeks to soften the blow of brief market swings on the broader investment. 

By regularly buying securities, investors sidestep the hazards of purchasing at the highest or lowest market values. While DCA doesn't guarantee a win every time, it's a solid approach for folks aiming to grow a long-term investment nest. 

It's particularly well-suited for those dabbling in mutual funds, bonds, stock indices, and ETFs. Whether you're working with a broker or putting money into a 401(k) or other retirement pots, DCA might just be the way to go. But before jumping in, it's essential to get a grip on what DCA brings to the table, both the good and the tricky parts.

Pros and Cons of Dollar-Cost Averaging

Dollar-cost averaging offers several benefits, but it's not without its limitations. Here's a balanced view of its pros and cons:


  • Emotion-free Investing: DCA promotes disciplined investing, eliminating emotional decisions based on market highs or lows.
  • Cost Efficiency: By purchasing shares at varying price points, you can potentially achieve a lower average cost over time.
  • Enhanced Potential: Regular investments can amplify your chances of success, as you're not solely relying on market timing.


  • Delayed Recovery: If the asset's value drops right after your purchase, you'll have to wait for the next buying opportunity to potentially offset the decline.
  • Missed Dividends: If you're investing at fixed intervals, you might miss out on reinvesting dividends as they're distributed.

Like all investment strategies, it's essential to thoroughly evaluate DCA's fit for your financial goals and risk tolerance.

How To Implement Dollar-Cost Averaging

You can approach DCA in two ways: manually or automatically.

  1. Manually: Decide on your investment amount and frequency, such as investing $500 monthly. Once set, you'll need to manage your investment account and execute purchases at the predetermined intervals.
  2. Automatically: Many brokerages offer automated DCA services, often at no extra charge. After setting your investment budget, the brokerage will craft a systematic plan, handling the investments and possibly reinvesting dividends for you.

Who Should Consider Dollar-Cost Averaging?

DCA is particularly beneficial for newcomers to the stock market or those with limited funds. By tempering market volatility, it offers a more stable approach to portfolio growth. For instance, if an investor consistently buys a stock, the average purchase price will likely be lower than the market's peaks, potentially leading to gains in the long run.

When Is Dollar-Cost Averaging Most Effective?

DCA shines when investors gradually establish a position in securities over extended periods. This method can deter rash decisions like panic selling and reduces the allure of market timing. While there are moments when a lump sum investment might seem appealing, DCA often proves more advantageous, especially for those new to investing.

Wrapping Up

Think of dollar-cost averaging as an old-school compass for the sometimes wild seas of the stock market. By sprinkling your investments here and there over time, DCA might just help you dodge some financial storms.

But hey, just like you'd ask a friend before making a big decision, it's a good idea to chat with a financial advisor to make sure DCA fits with your money goals.


How often should you use dollar-cost averaging?


Regular intervals, such as monthly or quarterly, are popular choices among those practicing DCA.

What are the key benefits of dollar-cost averaging?


The main benefits of DCA include the mitigation of market volatility effects and the encouragement of disciplined, emotion-free investing.

Is dollar-cost averaging a wise choice?


DCA can be a wise strategy for those seeking a more lax investment approach and a long-term perspective. However, as with all investments, there's no absolute assurance of returns, and market downturns can still impact your portfolio.

About author

For years, the clients I worked for were banks. That gave me an insider’s view of how banks and other institutions create financial products and services. Then I entered the world of journalism. Fortunly is the result of our fantastic team’s hard work. I use the knowledge I acquired as a bank copywriter to create valuable content that will help you make the best possible financial decisions.

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