We’ve compiled a list of the most relevant statistics relating to BFCM to present a picture of the real numbers and potential for profit during this period.
Americans spent more than $1.1 billion on Thanksgiving turkeys in 2022.
The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, which started on February 24th, 2022, has significantly impacted the global economy.
There are alternative financing options out there that cater specifically to brand new business owners without adequate financial coverage.
No-doc business loans can be a legitimate financing option for business owners who require access to fast capital.
Even with a credit score of 800 or more, you’re not guaranteed the highest possible loan amount.
ETFs offer exposure to a massive scope of asset classes, including stocks, bonds, emerging markets and much more.
Hero or villain, crypto is no longer a part of our distant future — it’s happening right now.
Our infographic encompasses all the significant disruptions that fintech solutions are causing in the world of finance.
Bank frauds are often characterized as “victimless crimes.” That’s certainly not the case.
Economic bubbles. The simplest definition is the rapid and unrealistic inflation of asset prices without any basis in the intrinsic value of the given asset.